

Matter, its properties, composition, changes and mixtures.
Francisco José Gutiérrez Marín
Mind Map by Francisco José Gutiérrez Marín, updated more than 1 year ago
Francisco José Gutiérrez Marín
Created by Francisco José Gutiérrez Marín over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Composition
    1. Puse substances
      1. Mixtures
        1. Homogeneous
          1. Heterogeneous
        2. Properties
          1. Mass
            1. Volume
              1. Hardness
                1. Density
                  1. Solubility
                    1. Thermal conductivity
                    2. Separating mixtures
                      1. Filtration
                        1. Evaporation
                          1. Sieving
                            1. Magnetic separation
                              1. Decantation
                                1. Distillation
                                2. Changes
                                  1. Physical
                                    1. Shape
                                      1. Position
                                        1. Texture
                                        2. Reversible
                                          1. Irreversible
                                            1. Chemical
                                              1. Oxidation
                                                1. Combustion
                                                  1. Fermentation
                                                    1. Heating
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