The blood is
responsible for
regulation, and
protection throughout
the body
The blood carries waste
to the kidneys and
carbon dioxide to the
lungs, where both the
waste and carbon
dioxide are eliminated
from the body.
The blood also protects
the body against infection
and regulates body
temperature by directing
heat towards the skin and
lungs. Buffers and Amino
Acids transported in the
blood helps maintain the
body's pH at healthy levels
between 7.35 and 7.45.
The Formed Elements
Plasma is a pale yellow fluid
composed of 90% water and
8% plasma proteins; the
remaining 2% is a mixture of
electrolytes, nutrients, ions,
respiratory gases, hormones,
proteins, and waste products.
Plasma contains
three types of
Albumin, and
The electrolytes include
sodium, potassium,
chloride, magnesium,
and calcium.
Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
Shape and Size
Mature Red Blood
Cells are
disk-shaped cells
that look like a
doughnut without
the hole in the
center. They are
extremely small (7
to 8 micrometers
in diameter)
Mechanisms of the Red Blood Cells
1. It increases
the surface
area of the
cell, providing
a larger
binding area
for oxygen
and carbon
2. It increases
the flexibility of
the cell, allowing
it to change
shape so it can
fit into capillary
openings that
are half the size
of the cell.
3. It limits the
cell's life span
to 120 days;
without a
nucleus, the
cell is unable to
Hemoglobin is an essential molecule of the red blood
cell that serves as the binding site for oxygen and
carbon dioxide; composed of two molecules: Globin
and Heme
The kidneys regulate red blood
cell production through a
process called Erythropoiesis.
Recycling Red Blood Cells
Phagocytosis is the process
by which macrophages in
the liver and spleen eat and
recycle old RBCs, as well as
other types of cells.
Red Blood Cells are part of
the formed elements of the
blood; they contain
hemoglobin, a protein
responsible for oxygen and
carbon dioxide exchange;
White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
Classifying White Blood Cells
The most abundant
type of White Blood
Cells and are the
most important
component of the
body's immune
system because they
are the "First
Fights infections
They only
make up a
small portion
of our White
Blood Cell
count - about
1% to 3%.
They are
active in the
presence of
parasites and
The least
White Blood
Cells in the
Active during
allergic reactions
and asthma.
They play
role in T-cell
The second
most abundant
White Blood
Cells in the
Two types of Lymphocytes
T Cells
T Cells make up to
80% of lymphocytes
B Cells
B Cells make up to
20% of lymphocytes
Essential for
fighting cancer
The largest
White Blood
Cells in the
White Blood Cells are part of the
formed elements of the blood;
they fight infections and protect
the body through various
mechanisms; leukocytes
Platelets (Thrombocytes)
Platelets are
part of the
elements of the
blood; they play
a vital role in
blood clotting.
They play an important role
in Hemostasis
The formed elements make
up about 45% of the blood's
content, and plasma
comprises the remaining
When put in a
Centrifugal, everything
seperates. Red Blood
Cells at the bottom,
Plasma on top, and the
buffy coat in between.
The buffy coat is a thin layer of white
blood cells and platelets that lies
between the red blood cells and
plasma in a blood sample that has
gone through a centrifuge.
Sepearating these blood
elements allows us to
take a common blood
measurement called
Hematocrit is the
percentage of total blood
volume that is composed
of Red Blood Cells
Hematocrit averages 45% of
total blood volume in men
and 40% of total blood
volume in women
Physical Properties of Blood
Blood is a sticky, thick fluid
that makes up roughly 8%
of our total body weight.
Everyone has between 4
and 5 liters of blood in
their body.
Blood is slightly
salty, with a
sodium chloride
of 0.9%.
An average temperature of
38*C (100.4*F)
The color of blood
varies based on the
levels of oxygen:
Oxygen-rich blood in
the arteries is a
brighter red than the
oxygen-poor blood in
the veins.
Manufacturing Blood Cells
New blood cells are
created in a process
called Hematopoiesis.
Blood Cells are created
within the bone
Blood Types
Blood Types
Antigens and Antibodies
The molecule on the
surface of the Red Blood
Cells are called
Antigens are large, complex
molecules, such as proteins
and glycolipids, that identify
cells as either "Self" or
Blood Transfusions
When given a Blood Transfusion you
have to be given the correct type of
If given the wrong blood type
the Red Blood Cells will
clump together in a process
called Agglutination.
Agglutination creates blockages in
smaller blood vessels and is potentially
The Rh Classification System
Rh Factor Complications
Just like the Antigens on Red
Blood Cells, When given blood
you have to have the same type
of Rh factor.
Not everyone has the Rh factor.
Those who have it on the
surface of the Red Blood Cells
are classified as Rh-positive;
those who lack it are classified
as Rh-negative
The majority of people
(approximately 85%) are
Complete Blood Count
A complete blood count (CBC)
helps to detect blood disorders or
disorders such as Anemia,
Abnormal Blood Cell counts,
Clotting Problems, Immune
System Disorders, and Cancers of
the Blood.