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Oedipus Tyrannus
National 5 Classical Studies (Oedipus Tyrannus) Mind Map on Oedipus Tyrannus, created by Lewis White on 26/09/2013.
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classical studies
oedipus tyrannus
classical studies
oedipus tyrannus
national 5
Mind Map by
Lewis White
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lewis White
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Oedipus Tyrannus
The play starts with people moaning about problems to Oedipus (miasma)
Oedipus has sent his brother-in-law/uncle (ew) to consult the [crazy women who can tell the future]
CREON!!! returns and says that they must either kill or exile the murderer of Laius (the previous king) to be rid of the miasma
Oedipus says that he will only exile the murderer
Tiresias enters
Oedipus demands he tells him all he knows
Tiresias claims he should not, for Oedipus' sake
Oedipus demands him to tell him what he knows once again
Tiresias says that Oedipus was the murderer of Laius
Oedipus says he is lying and plotting against him with Creon
Tiresias leaves
Tiresias is a crazy blind morphodite fortune teller
Creon returns
He has heard the accusations of Oedipus
Oedipus confirms that these accusations and true and that Creon is a traitor
Creon claims that he would rather keep his power while doing no work than have a little more power and a huge amount of work
Oedipus tells him to leave immediately
Oedipus' wife enters and stops the fight
Creon leaves
Oedipus talks with his wife about the murder
He discovers that he may have been the murderer
A slave arrives informing Oedipus that his father has died
Oedipus does not want to take his father's throne in fear of marrying his mother
The slave tells him that he is not their son
Oedipus demands to know who his parents were
The slave tells him a different slave gave Oedipus to him
He has this slave brought to him
The slave tells him that his father is the king he killed...
...and his mother is the woman he married!
Oedipus looks for his mother
He finds that she has hung herself
Oedipus gouges his eyes out
He then leaves forever
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