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Classical Studies: Medea
National 5 Classical Studies (Medea) Mind Map on Classical Studies: Medea, created by Lewis White on 03/05/2013.
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classical studies
classical studies
national 5
Mind Map by
Lewis White
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lewis White
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Classical Studies: Medea
The tutor and nurse discuss Jason's betrayal of Medea
The nurse fears that Medea may do something to the boys
Medea comes out from crying and cursing
She explains that she is alright but it is obvious that she is not as she constantly insults Jason and men in general
The chorus sympathise with Medea and talk of how it is better not to have children
Jason enters the stage
He explains that he's marrying the princess to help the family by giving them money
Medea claims that he is a coward and is only marrying her as she is young
CREON! King of Corinth, tells Medea that she must leave immediatley
She convinces him to give her one day to pack her things and say her goodbyes
He claims that she cannot do the damage that he fears in one day
Medea meets Aegeus, King of Athens
He says that he is there to ask the [magical women who can tell the future] if he will ever have children
They tell him jibberish
Medea makes Aegeus swear that no matter what, he will let her move to Athens with him
In return, she will give a potion that will give him a child
He agrees to this
Medea devises a plan to kill her enemies
She has Jason come back and apoligises
She says that she was foolish and that he was completely right
Jason falls for this (idiot)
She asks him to take the children and look after them and to take this (poisoned) dress as a gift for the princess
He at first questions this as she 'already has plenty of dresses'
Medea convinces him to take the boys and dress
The princess at first neglets the boys until she sees the dress and accepts
She puts it on and dies from the poison
Her father, CREON! King of Corinth, runs in when he sees her on the floor and holds her body, but gets stuck and is killed by the poison aswell
Medea kills her children so that no one will steal them from her
The chorus are outside and can hear it happening, but do nothing
Jason comes to Medea's house to demand an explination for the murder of the princess
The chorus tell him that the children are dead
Medea appears in a chariot sent by her grandfather, the sun god, and flies away
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