"Professional development in early childhood educators"


Mapa mental "Desarrollo profesional en educadores de primera infancia"
Tatiana Betancur
Mind Map by Tatiana Betancur, updated more than 1 year ago
Tatiana Betancur
Created by Tatiana Betancur over 4 years ago

Resource summary

"Professional development in early childhood educators"
  1. The knowledge, skills and practices of these teachers are essential to determine:
    1. The way that children learn.
      1. How prepared are they to enter school.
      2. These educators need to:
        1. Fully understand child development.
          1. Early education problems.
            1. Provide meaningful experiences that include:
              1. Vulnerable children.
                1. Underprivileged children.
                2. Maintain connectivity with all families, optimizing resources.
                3. The fact that these educators contribute to that optimal childhood learning has been intensified with:
                  1. "No child left behind act of 2001" (Public law 107-110)
                  2. In the infant stage, those responsible for childcare should:
                    1. Meet educational requirements.
                      1. To support young children's learning.
                      2. Receive professional development.
                        1. To improve your skills.
                      3. It is necessary to examine the: What works? For whom does it work? In what contexts? and at what cost?
                        1. To improve the connections between:
                          1. Professional development research.
                            1. Early childhood policies.
                          2. Early childhood professional development must go beyond:
                            1. Beliefs.
                              1. Experiences.
                                1. Knowledge.
                                  1. Skills.
                                    1. Practice.
                                    2. For a scientific professional development effort in early childhood, it requires:
                                      1. Build a body.
                                        1. Build theories.
                                          1. Evidence of processes.
                                          2. In conclusion, to guide planning and implement school reforms requires:
                                            1. More research where it is implemented:
                                              1. The theoretical.
                                                1. The empirical.
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