Momentum & Collisions


IGCSE Physics (Forces And Motion) Mind Map on Momentum & Collisions, created by Noah Swanson on 24/03/2015.
Noah Swanson
Mind Map by Noah Swanson, updated more than 1 year ago
Noah Swanson
Created by Noah Swanson almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Momentum & Collisions
  1. P=mv
    1. Momentum(kg m/s) = Mass(kg) X Velocity(m/s)
    2. Momentum is a vector because it has size and direction
      1. Total Momentum before collision = Total Momentum after collision
        1. Forces & Momentum
          1. A force acting on an object can cause a change in momentum
            1. A larger change in force results in a faster change in momentum
              1. A smaller change in force results in a slower change in momentum
              2. Momentum in a car crash
                1. In a car crash the momentum of a person changes very quickly so the force that affects them will be very large and likely to cause injury
                  1. So cars are now designed to slow people down over a longer period of time to reduce the force
                    1. Some examples of these features are:
                      1. Crumple zones
                        1. Seat belts
                          1. Air Bags
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