Ice flows


ice flows for geography as
Jake Todhunter
Mind Map by Jake Todhunter, updated more than 1 year ago
Jake Todhunter
Created by Jake Todhunter almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ice flows
  1. Surges
    1. Meltwater builds up under the glacier, ice moves rapidally forward
      1. 250 - 300 mm in a day
      2. Hazard to those living in glacial valley below
      3. Blockschollen Flow
        1. Once ice is compacted enough to become glacial ice, it flows like plastic
        2. Regelation
          1. Ice melts under high pressure (pressure - melt layer), as opposed to deforming, and it refreezes on the other side of the rock/obstacle, as a regelation layer
          2. Basal slippage
            1. Water underneath the glacier (a thin layer), which lubricates it and allows it to move
            2. Internal Deformation
              1. When the ice in the middle of the glacier (where there isn't any friction), flows further than the edges
                1. The ice crystals have lined up to allow them to move past eachother
              2. Extending Flow
                1. Where gradient increases causing ice velocities to increase and ice to spread out
                2. Compressing Flow
                  1. Where gradient decreases causing ice velocities to slow and ice to build up
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