Groups with a slight negative charge will be
attracted to those with a slight positive charge
Hydrogen bonds are quite weak, but can be easily broken by
changes in the temperature and pH
Disulphide bonds
Disulphide bonds are strong covalent bongs(where electrons are shared between
atoms) formed between two cysteine amino acids
Disulphide bonds are very strong, but can be
broken by reducing agents
Ionic bonds
Ionic bonds form between molecules that have a full positive or negative charge
Ionic bonds are very strong, but can be broken by changes in pH
Hydrophobic interactions
R-groups that only contain hydrogen or carbon atoms are
hydrophobic, and are slightly attracted to each other
These interactions are very weak and are easily broken
The 3D shape of a protein is maintained by several types of bond including:
hydrogen bonds-involved in all levels of structure,hydrophobic interactions-between
non-polar sections of the protein and disulfide bonds- one of the most important
type of bond in proteins. occur between two cysteine amino acids.