redskin officer creates terror p83-90


GCSE, GCE A Level Mister Pip Mind Map on redskin officer creates terror p83-90, created by abl on 30/09/2013.
Mind Map by abl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abl over 11 years ago

Resource summary

redskin officer creates terror p83-90
  1. he took an interest in each one
    1. sense of searching, scrutinising
    2. Counted this as a victory
      1. This is personal, staring down each parent
        1. This is power and the abuse of power by the officer
        2. Asks why there are no young men
          1. This is a loaded question. He knows the answer,
          2. He smiled to himself
            1. Sense of satisfaction and hint of menace, cruelty at same time.
            2. the wince at the corner of his mouth
              1. sense of agitation, getting twitchy. Suggests sense of pain
              2. the way his hand slapped his thigh
                1. sense of aggresion, rising anger
                2. stared into our faces
                  1. intimidation
                  2. striding back
                    1. more aggresion inbody language
                    2. light taunting mood was gone
                      1. clenched hand
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