The airline Industry


Nixia  Montalvo Mauleon
Mind Map by Nixia Montalvo Mauleon, updated more than 1 year ago
Nixia  Montalvo Mauleon
Created by Nixia Montalvo Mauleon over 4 years ago

Resource summary

The airline Industry
  1. The start of the airline industry began in the 1950s with a number of airlines that innovated at that time.
    1. IATA the international air transport association is one of the best aircraft organizations worldwide.
    2. Traditional airlines: Qantas or KLM where in countries the main airlines is or was publicly owned, in example: British Airways and the UK.
      1. Low- cost airlines: Flights incluided 1-. Hiring of fully qualified pilots, passenger cabin crew, and ground staff to avoid training costs. 2-. Concentration on short: and medium- haul flights to maximize rhe number of flights per day.
        1. In the industry each airline is identified by a code of two or three letters example: Iberia EZY, Madrid MAD, London Stansted STN.
          1. Charter fliights run on a route and at a time chosen by the company or person that hires the aircraft. Tour operators use charter flights for most package holidays.
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