The Difference between renewable and non-renewable energy


By Hiten Desai
Hiten Desai
Mind Map by Hiten Desai, updated more than 1 year ago
Hiten Desai
Created by Hiten Desai almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Difference between renewable and non-renewable energy
  1. Non-Renewable Resource: Biomass
    1. How This Energy Source Works? Biomass can be burned or decomposed to be used as a source of energy. The energy sources works by the plants collection of the suns energy. The science behind this is that the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll in the plants collect the energy from the sun and then could be formed into energy.
      1. In this diagram all waste is being burned into biomass energy. Grabage, animal waste, sewage, crops, forestry, and more can be burned down to create biomass energy.
        1. What resources are necessary for extracted? Animal waste, grabage, sewage, forestry, crops, and etc.
          1. How is it extracted? They wood burn the collected energy to produce heat which then became steam power. Now steam power is used to generate electricity.
            1. Positives? Biomass is renewable, it can be used again. 2.Easy to convert, it is easy to change into energy. 3.Cost less, provides more energy and cost less. 4.Provide jobs, helps people in need for jobs.
              1. Negatives? 1. Need to maintain the crops, you need to always maintain the crops to make the energy that the sun gives and the plants collect.
            2. Renewable Resource: Nuclear
              1. How the energy source works? Nuclear energy is created in power plants where they burn coal, oil or natural gas to generate heat. The is is produced by splitting atoms. The name of this process is called nuclear fission.
                1. In this diagram it is trying to show that by spilliting atoms it releases heat which is turned into steam which give nuclear energy.
                  1. What resources are necessary for extraction? For extraction you would need coal, oil or natural gas.
                    1. How is it extracted? The energy would be extracted by splitting the atom.
                      1. Positives? 1.Low fuel cost 2. Cheap 3. Powerful and efficient
                        1. Negatives? 1.Radioactive waste 2.Nuclear accidents 3.Radiations 4.Non renewable
                      2. Perspective
                        1. Nuclear
                          1. Environmental? It impacts the life in water which decreases the population becuase of less food
                            1. Society and Health? Impacts us as humans harmful radiations, these radiations are harmful and may cause efficitive health essues.
                              1. Economy? Money risk if accidents occur, may cause millions and millions of dollars.
                              2. Biomass
                                1. Environmental? Reduces fossile fuels
                                  1. Society and Health? Cause indoor and outdoor pollution
                                    1. Economy? It provided a cheap energy source Requires regular tending and maintenance
                                  2. Bibliography?Resource Information (Date, author, website, publisher, organization) APA
                                    1. Union of Concerned Scientists,. (2015). How Biomass Energy Works. Retrieved 28 March 2015, from
                                      1.,. (2015). What is Biomass Energy and How Does it Work? – - Powered By Mother NaturePowered By Mother Nature. Retrieved 28 March 2015, from
                                        1.,. (2015). Biomass Combustion. Retrieved 28 March 2015, from
                                    2. By Hiten Desai
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