Blood transport system


as level PE (Applied excercise physiology ) Mind Map on Blood transport system, created by levans on 06/04/2015.
Mind Map by levans, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by levans almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Blood transport system
  1. artery
    1. thick-walled blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart
    2. vein
      1. thin-walled blood vessel carrying blood towards the heart
      2. arterioles
        1. small arteries
        2. venules
          1. small veins
          2. capillaries
            1. thin blood vessels supplying nutrition to cells and removing wast materials
            2. pulmonory circulation
              1. blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart to pick up oxogen
              2. systemic circulation
                1. oxygenated blood carried from the heart to the body tissues and back to the heart
                2. vasoconstriction
                  1. reducing flow of blood into capillaries by action of sympathetic nerves
                  2. vasodilation
                    1. is the increased flow of blood into the capillaries
                    2. venous return
                      1. the mechanisms that return blood to the heart
                      2. skeletal pump
                        1. muscle actions that squeezes veins and forces blood towards the heart
                        2. respiratory pump
                          1. breathing moments force blood to flow towards the heart
                          2. haemoglobin
                            1. red pigment that transport oxogen in the blood
                            2. oxyhaemoglobin
                              1. the chemical compound where oxogen combines to haemoglobin
                              2. bohr shift
                                1. the change of shape of the oxygen dissociation curve, specifically a move to the right which results in the releases of more oxogen being released at the muscles during exercise
                                2. hydrogen carbonate
                                  1. main means by which CO2 is transported by the blood
                                  2. arterio-venous difference
                                    1. amount of oxogen removed from the blood by the muscles
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