Global Warning


Mind Map on Global Warning, created by 陈仁 Peter on 16/04/2015.
陈仁 Peter
Mind Map by 陈仁 Peter, updated more than 1 year ago
陈仁 Peter
Created by 陈仁 Peter over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Global Warning
  1. Carbon Dioxide
    1. Decomposing plant material
      1. Rice paddy fields, cattle, coal mines
      2. Water vapour
        1. Evaporation from oceans, lakes and rivers
          1. Burning hydrocarbon fuels
          2. Methane
            1. Decomposing plant material
              1. Rice paddy fields, cattle, coal mines
              2. greenhouse effect work
                1. 1.Electromagnetic radiation at most wavelengths from the Sun passes through the Earth’s atmosphere
                  1. 2.The Earth absorbs electromagnetic radiation with short wavelengths and so warms up. Heat is radiated from the Earth as longer wavelength infrared radiation.
                    1. 3.Some of this infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
                      1. 4.The atmosphere warms up
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