Mr & Mrs Bennet


Mind Map on Mr & Mrs Bennet, created by Jemima Harpin on 18/04/2015.
Jemima Harpin
Mind Map by Jemima Harpin, updated more than 1 year ago
Jemima Harpin
Created by Jemima Harpin almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Mr & Mrs Bennet
  1. Mr Bennet
    1. Likeable
      1. Clever
        1. Dry sense of humour
          1. Teases Mrs B...
            1. "I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends."
          2. Comic
            1. Enjoys mocking people
              1. Especially Mr Collins
                1. Mr Bennet has "great hopes of finding him quite the reverse," of sensible
            2. Similar to liz
              1. Share same opinion
                1. Mr Collins proposal
                  1. "I will never see you again if you do."
                2. Makes reader view him positively
              2. Mrs Bennet
                1. Isn't very bright
                  1. "uncertain temper"
                  2. Caricature
                    1. Hysterical
                      1. Unaware of her own flaws
                    2. Ironic humour
                      1. Main aim is to get her daughters married
                        1. She is the biggest obstacle to their marriage prospects
                      2. Bad example
                        1. Austen uses humour to make a serious point
                          1. Materialism
                            1. Lack of self-awareness
                            2. Contribute to Lyd's recklessness
                        2. Marriage
                          1. Their marriage is based on shallow attraction
                            1. Youth & beauty
                              1. Not enough to be happy
                                1. Nothing in common, no 'real affection'
                                2. Mr Bennet
                                  1. Not much happiness
                                    1. Laughing
                                      1. 'Ignorance and folly'
                                      2. Mrs B can't "understand his character"
                                      3. Children
                                        1. unhappy marriage negatively affects them
                                          1. Mrs B= bad influence
                                            1. Mr Bennet= bad parenting
                                              1. He either laughs at bad behaviour or avoids it
                                          2. Liz
                                            1. Liz sees all the disadvantages of her parents marriage
                                              1. Makes her determined to marry someone she LOVES & RESPECTS
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