New Testament Religious Parties


Detailed summaries of the main Religious Parties present around the time of Jesus
Mind Map by daniel-maurice, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by daniel-maurice about 9 years ago

Resource summary

New Testament Religious Parties
  1. Joseph. wrote about all of them
    1. Was a Pha.
      1. Therefore biased
      1. Name meant 'separate one'
        1. Strict observers of the Law
          1. Ezra (Pha) redefined Judaism after Exile (Ezra7:10)
            1. Schaper thinks this is a myth
              1. Thinks they developed in the Hellenistic period
                1. People had more time to think and question religious authorities
            2. Responsible for synagogue movement
              1. Sought to be pure and holy in everyday life
                1. Try to obey every Law entirely
                  1. Concentrated with spiritual purity
                    1. Associated with clean people
                      1. They did not insist everyone should follow purity Laws
                      2. Mishnah states that grapes from a graveyard were unclean
                        1. If done, then the harvest would be impure
                        2. Leviticus 19:2 : ‘You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy’
                          1. However purity may have been a reaction against R.Occ
                            1. If they stuck to religious Laws it shows them being unaffected by R.Rule
                              1. Or if they clung to religious Laws then G would drive the R. out!
                            2. Had an extra 'Oral Law'
                              1. Provided commentary on OT
                                1. Saw it as a guide to everyday living
                              2. ESSENES
                                1. Hardly referenced to before the DSS
                                  1. Began in 152BCE
                                    1. Appointed their own HP
                                      1. 2 TYPES OF ESSENES
                                        1. Lived in towns
                                          1. Completely split from society
                                            1. Gave all their possessions away
                                              1. Celibate
                                                1. Monk-like
                                                  1. Lived on the shore of the DSea
                                                  2. Only ever 200 at a time
                                                    1. Were not Celibate
                                                      1. Believed 'the end is nigh'
                                                        1. Believed that G would appoint them as people of G and destroy their enemies
                                                      2. Saw themselves as true Israel
                                                        1. They were 'sons of light'
                                                          1. Other Jews were 'sons of darkness'
                                                          2. 'Bathe themselves in cold water...' - Joseph.
                                                            1. OBSESSED with purity
                                                              1. Extended rituals to everyday life
                                                                1. Bathed twice a day, before every meal
                                                                  1. NO WINE - forbidden in the Temple
                                                                  2. Purity was a ‘badge of membership’ NT Wright
                                                                    1. NO FREE WILL
                                                                      1. Believed in predestination
                                                                        1. However members were seen as volunteers
                                                                        2. 2 Messiahs
                                                                          1. Messiah of Israel
                                                                            1. Warrior
                                                                            2. Messiah of Aaron
                                                                              1. Priestly
                                                                            3. No mention of Israel
                                                                              1. Eternal life for themselves
                                                                                1. Damnation for others
                                                                                2. Rejected the Temple
                                                                                  1. The Sadd. had corrupted it
                                                                                    1. The community functioned as a Temple
                                                                                      1. Worship acted as sacrifice
                                                                                        1. HOWEVER THIS WAS TEMP
                                                                                          1. When their enemies were defeated G would create a new Temple
                                                                                            1. Would be the size of Israel
                                                                                              1. It would be made from Gold and Jewels
                                                                                                1. They even had a blueprint
                                                                                        2. The Law
                                                                                          1. Enforced Sabbath Laws (Law of Moses)
                                                                                            1. No work or talk of work on Sabbath
                                                                                              1. Servants could not carry your children
                                                                                                1. No perfume
                                                                                                2. Influence?
                                                                                                  1. Had none, and didn't want any
                                                                                                3. SADDUCEES
                                                                                                  1. ZEALOTS
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