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B1 B2 B3
Mind Map on B1 B2 B3, created by Lauren Healey on 04/05/2015.
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b1 b2 b3
ocr 21st century science
a level
Mind Map by
Lauren Healey
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lauren Healey
almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
B1 B2 B3
Nucleus contains genetic material
Arranged into chromosomes (moles of DNA)
Gene short length chromosome // diff. versions of same called ALLELLE
Code for making proteins - diff characteristic.
STRUCTURAL - skin, hair, blood
FUNCTIONAL - digestive enzymes (amalyse)
GENOTYPE - genes it has PHENOTYPE - expressed
HOMOZYGOUS - Two same allele HETEROZYGOUS - Two diff allele
Sex cells - 23 chromosome // from parents
Men - XY Chromsome
Testes // Testosterone
Women - XX Chromosome
Ovaries // Oestrogen
Genetic disorders caused by faulty alleles
CYSTIC FIBROSIS // Recessive Alleles
Respiratory probs // thick sticky mucus // chest infections // difficult digestion
1 in 25 Carriers
carrier or sufferer
HUNTINGDON'S // Dominant Alleles
Tremors // Memory loss // Poor concentration // Mood change
50% chance
late onset
Genetic Testing - embryo // children // adults
Pre-implantation genetic disorder
carry alleles for genetic disorders
not 100% accurate // misinterpreted or contaminated
not 100% safe // cause miscarriage
positive // all family tested? // false negative positive
terminate pregnancy // financial // coping // right to life
discrimination // employers // insurance
Clones are genetically identical organisms
Embryo split
EMBRYONIC - any cell
muscle cells // insulin producing // nerves
ADULT - maintain repair old damage tissue
bone marrow transplant
sickle cell anaemia
Symptoms are caused by cell damage or toxins
Microorganisms reproduce quickly inside body (warm moist conditions)
Calculate grown of pop.
Number at start
how long it takes to reproduce
how long left to reproduce
Immune system fights off invading microbes
white blood cell detect 'foreign' // engulf & digest
antibodies specific to antigen
mark - other W.B.C
bind and neutralise
kill directly
memory cells stay around
Vaccination safe version of microorganism
Immunisation - dead / inactive antigens - memory cells
Epidemics prevented by vaccination
Side effects // Genetic diff - react diff
Antimicrobials inhibit of kill bacteria, fungi and viruses
M.O evolve - RESISTANT - mutation in DNA
Reproduce - gene pass on // more common
Drugs tested in lab
Human cells
Live mammal
human volunteer
Healthy - safe
Heart & blood cells supply blood to body
HEART // Right - deoxygenated to lungs // Left - oxygenated to body
Blood supplied to heart from coronary arteries from aorta
ARTERIES - blood away from heart // high pressure - strong elastic walls
VEINS - blood to heart // low pressure - lumen and valves
CAPILLARIES - exchange substance in blood // diffusion
Pulse rate measure BPM
DIASTOLIC - contract // SYSTOLIC - relax
H.B.P increase risk of heart disease
Fatty deposit restrict blood flow
Blood clot form
Coronary blocked no oxygen - heart attack
Poor Diet - high cholesterol / salt
Smoking - CO reduce O2 // Nicotine increase H.R
Drugs & Alcohol
HOMEOSTATIS - maintaining constant internal environment
Negative feedback counteracts change
ADH secreted from pituitary gland
Water - too high // less ADH // kidneys reabsorb less // more urine - dilute.
Water - too low // more ADH // kidneys reabsorb more // less urine - high conc.
Alcohol suppress - dehydration
Ecstasy increase
A species is a group of organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring
Adapt to survive
Cacti - wax and spines // reduce water loss
Fish - gills // streamline // swim bladder
Natural selection - "Survival of the Fittest"
Competition // passed on
Selective Breeding - desired features
Life on Earth - 3500 million y.a.
Evolution - new species
Isolated // mutation // natural sel. // enivro
Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution
Lamarck - chara used lots - more developed
Number of species
Genetic variation
Range of different types
KINGDOMS - bacteria, fungi, plant, algae, plants, animals
Interdependence - pop. inc / dec.
EXTINCTION - enviro. change // competition // disease // food web
Energy in Ecosystems
Sun - main source // photosynthesis - convert
Transfer - consumption // decay - dead n waste
Lost - respiration // heat (const. temp) // waste products
efficiency = energy available / energy was available x 100
CO2 powers photosynthesis
CO2 into glucose
eating passes compounds in food chain
Respiration releases CO2
Die n decompose - release CO2 from decomposers respiring
Combustion release CO2
Nitrogen need for growth proteins
Fixation - N2 into nitrates
Fixing bacteria
Decomposer - proteins & urea to ammonia
Nitrifying - ammonia into nitrates
Denitrifying - nitrate to N2
Enviro. Change
Temp - Climate
Nitrate - Water
CO2 - Air
Air - Lichen // SO4 - no. - clean
Water - Mayfly // O2 - no.- clean
Water - Phytoplankton // Algal bloom
SUSTAINABILITY - meeting demands of today without harming enviro so future gens. can meet theirs
Renewable materials
Less energy
Less pollution
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