Word Building FCE


Word Building activity page 33
Mind Map by mlauraterrone, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mlauraterrone almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Word Building FCE
  1. Advantage
    1. Advantageous
      1. disadvantage
        1. disadvantaged
      2. to count
        1. count
          1. account
            1. accountant
              1. accounting
              2. countable
                1. countless
                  1. uncountable
              3. to value
                1. the value of something
                  1. valuable /invaluable
                    1. valueless
                      1. worthless
                      2. priceless
                  2. to silence sb
                    1. silence
                      1. silent
                    2. to combine
                      1. combination
                        1. combined
                      2. to write
                        1. a writer
                          1. writing
                        2. to like
                          1. likeable
                            1. to dislike
                              1. a liking for
                                1. likes and dislikes
                                2. POSSIBLE
                                  1. IMPOSSIBLE
                                    1. POSSIBILITY
                                    2. PEACE
                                      1. PEACEFUL
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