Some are very e.g. flood risk maps - only if
looking from a physical perspective
Models are only as good as the human beings who made them
The Nature of consequences over time,
space , scale etc.?
Always going to be different making the
predictions of consequences highly problematic
People's perception of likelihood and
Fundamentally problematic , we don't
perceive risk in the same way
Traditional ideas about
being prepared
If a place rarely/has never experienced a particular hazard e.g. floods then they
are less likely to be prepared
Long Term recovery is dependant on
importance of the area (i.e. popular
trade route) and monetary strength
(richer can rebuild / stay somewhere
else in the mean time).
and Impact
Material wealth and assets,
In USA planning and zonal
laws have put many
ethnic people at risk.
Social and
Environmental justice
Hurricane Katrina (2005) highlighted disparity
between ethnicities , many black people were living
in New Orleans which was one of the worst hit
3. Perception
Understanding big risks around
and seeking to take action
e.g. extra insurance or
believe life is for living.
'Psychology of denial'
Complexities of a
simple idea (Wright
We deny that personal change is
possible either from not expecting any
change to be available, or by denying
that our failed attempts at change
needed more understanding.
4. Resilience
A. Engineering
Build more and more to stop
the hazard
B. Ecological
Most common form,
reflection on how
nature deals via
C. Evolutionary
More radical , understand why
people are put in risky situations e.g.
New Orleans.
Politicised agenda - structural issues in society,
can’t just help them to adapt.
More positive term.
developed by physical
scientists but taken on
by social scientists to see
how people cope with
Idea of Risk and frame according to culture
Understanding Risk as a social construct
Determining and evaluating vulnerability
Psychological state
Monetary State
Policy and Politics of risk communication
Politicians hate risk
Cannot assume and protect people completely
Managing & Governing Risks
Hard Engineering
Build to prevent e.g. Flood barriers from concrete
Soft Engineering
Flood plain zoning, warning systems ,
ultimately letting nature do it's bit
People may not feel as safe compared to hard solutions
Creating Resilience (Heavily contested idea)
Can't protect 100% but asks individuals to
consider their actions
Why Social Science Matters
1. Natural hazards have differential impacts
2. People don't act rationally
We don’t calculate risk in the same way as scientists
3.People and societies' resilience
depends on individual and social
psychology, political and economic
4. Human societies are
inherently fragile , especially our
'hyper-technical' society
5. Hazards are complex
Some are 'natural' whilst others are human
induced: Anthropogenic climate change, resource
security and new forms of disease