Your personal health and well being_1


Mind Map by rogershugo17, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by rogershugo17 over 9 years ago
Copied by rogershugo17 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Your personal health and well being_1
  1. Balanced diet
    1. A balanced diet is about providing the body with all the nutrients it requires to work as effectively as possible
      1. Carbohydrates- these are stored in the muscles they can provide either quick energy or slower long lasting energy
        1. Fats- These are important as they provide energy and help muscles to work. They can be found in butter, cheese. etc
          1. Protein- Used to help build up muscles and repair damaged tissue. It is either found in animal Protein (meat, fish, cheese. etc.) or in Plant protein (Lentils, nuts, breads. etc)
          2. Vitamins
            1. Good Vision
              1. Good Skin
                1. Red blood cell formation
                  1. Healing
                    1. Healthy bones and teeth
                      1. Blood clotting
                      2. Water
                        1. Around half of body weight
                          1. Holds oxygen
                            1. transports nutrients, waste and hormones around the body
                              1. Water is essential to controlling body temperature
                              2. Fibre
                                1. Adds bulk to food and aids digestion
                                  1. Found in: Leaves, stems , roots fruits and seeds of a plant
                                    1. Without Fibre the body would not be able to get rid of waste products
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