Set Text: Mark 1:1


St Mark's Gospel Mind Map on Set Text: Mark 1:1, created by sophsdoyle on 12/10/2013.
Mind Map by sophsdoyle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophsdoyle over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Set Text: Mark 1:1
  1. 'The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God
    1. Gospel
      1. 'Good News'
        1. 4 Gospels telling the life and work of Jesus
        2. Jesus
          1. Was an ordinary and common name
            1. Coming from the Jewish name 'Joshua'
              1. Meaning 'to save lives'
          2. Son of God
            1. Title of great honour
              1. Would never have meant literally 'Son of God'
              2. Christ
                1. Title
                  1. By later Christians
                  2. Comes from Greek word translated to: Christos
                    1. Meaning 'chosen' (by God) for a special task
                    2. And Hebrew word translating to 'Messiah'
                  3. Mark's gospel is biased: it is a book of faith
                    1. It is very positive and it portrays his faith and the community's faith about the life of Jesus
                      1. Written after the event and seeing the significance of the man Jesus
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