Lesson 5: Navigation on Earth


Covers: - Coordinate System - Longitude - Latitude - Determining Coordinates
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Dana Balin
Created by Dana Balin over 3 years ago
Dana Balin
Copied by Dana Balin over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Lesson 5: Navigation on Earth
  1. Coordinate System - assigns a pair of coordinates called longitude and latitude
    1. Latitude - the angular distance in degrees North or South of the equator
      1. Equator - the imaginary line that circles the Earth halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole
        1. Prime Meridian - the imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England, from the North Pole to the South Pole
          1. Longitude - the angular distance in degrees East or West of the prime meridian
            1. Parallels - the lines that connect points of equal latitude, called parallels because they never touch
              1. Meridians - the lines that connect points of equal longitude, they all meet at the poles
              2. Determining Latitude
                1. Latitude north = the angle of Polaris above the horizon
                  1. Point stars (the 2 stars at the end of the bowl of the Big Dipper) point towards Polaris
                    1. Astrolabe - a tool used to measure the angle above the horizon of an object in the sky
                    2. Determining Longitude
                      1. (Local Time - Greenwich Local Time) * 15 = Longitude
                        1. Positive Longitude = West of the Prime Meridian
                          1. Negative Longitude = East of the Prime Meridian
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