as far as the piano is
concerned sentiment is
my fort. I keep science for
Jack to Algernon- "why such reckless
extravagance of one so young"
Algernon- "good heavens, why are there no
cucumber sandwhiches, I ordered them especially"
Algernon reads Jack's cigarette case
he received from Cecily- Jack: "it is a
very ungentlemanly to read a private
cigarette case"
Algernon- "if the lower orders
don't set us a good example what
on Earth is the use of them, they
seem as a class to have absolutely
no sense of moral responsibility"
Lady Bracknell- "Mr
Worthing! Rise, sir,
from this
posture. It is most
Lady Bracknell- "to be born, or at any rate, in a
handbag, whether it had handles or not, seems to me
to display a contempt for the ordinary decencies of
family life that reminds one of the worst excesses of
the French revolution"
Lady Bracknell-
"to marry into a
cloakroom and
form an alliance
with a parcel"
lady Bracknell- "never
speak disrespectfully of
society, Algernon, only
people who cant get
into it do that"
when Jack says he smokes Lady
Bracknell- "...a man should always
have an occupation of some kind,
there are far too many idle men in
London as it is"
Lady Bracknell- "fortunately in
England, at any rate, education
produces no effect whatsoever if it did
it would provide a serious danger to
the upper classes"
Algernon- "relations are
simply a tedious pack of
people who haven't the
remotest knowledge on how
to live not the smallest instinct
about when to die"
Algernon- "its awfully hard work doing nothing"
Gwen to Algernon-
"you always adopt a
strictly immoral
attitude towards life"
Gwen- "in matters of grave importance, style not sincerity is the vital thing"
Gwendolen - "whenever people
talk to me about the weather I
feel quite certain they are talking
about something else and that
makes me so nervous"
We live, Mr Worthing, as I hope you now in a
world of ideals"- Gwendolen
Jack- "my
name is
ernest in
town and
Jack in the
Gwen- "your
Christian name
has an irresistible
fascination, the
simplicity of your
character makes
you exquisitely
to me "
Cecily- "I have never met
any really wicked person
before, I feel rather
frightened, I am so afraid
he will look just like
everyone else" (enter
Algernon, very gay and
Cecily- "i hope you have not been
leading a double life, pretending
to be wicked and being really
good all the time, that would be
hypocrisy" ...Algernon-"...I've been
very bad I my own small way"
Miss Prism-
who live
entirely for
usually are
Gwen and Cecily speaking together- "your Christian names are still an insuperable barrier"
Lady Bracknell, all
engagements- "give
people the opportunity
of finding out each
others characters before
Algernon- "Bunbury doesn't live here, Bunbury is something else at present, in fact Bunbury is dead"
"we live, I
regret to
say, in an
age of
Cecily- "This is no
time for wearing the
shallow mask of
manners" (To Gwen-
she thinks she's lying
about whose she's
Jack- "i have
no brother
Ernest, I have
no brother as
all, I never had
a brother in
my life...[or]
the intention
of ever having
one in the
not of any
"one has the
right to
anywhere on
every serious
knows this"
Jack- "I have no
brother, I never had a
brother and that I
don't intend to have a
brother, not either of
any kind"
Jack- "then I
have a brother
after all, I knew
I had a brother,
I always said I
had a brother"
Jack- "I have
now realised,
for the first
time in my
life, the vital
of being
Ernest "
Jack "Gwendolen, it
is a terrible thing for
man to find out
suddenly that all his
life he's been
speaking nothing but
the truth, can you
forgive me"
Mr Bunbury
made up his
mind whether
he was going
to live or die
Algernon- "im
going bunburying"
Jack- "your
Bunbury will
get you into a
serious scrape
one day"
Gwendolen- "it
suits you
perfectly, it is a
divine name, it
has music of its
own, it produces
Jack- "this
bunburying as
you call it has
not been a great
success for you
Algernon's flat- "luxuriously and artistically furnished"
Jack- "when one is
in town one amuses
oneself, when one is
in the country, one
amuses other
Algernon- "Girls never marry
the men they flirt with, girls
don't think it right"
Gwednolen- (after talking
about immediate marriage)-
"i adore you but you haven't
proposed to me yet, nothing
has even been said at all
about marriage."...jack:
"well may I propose to you
Gwen- "how absurd to talk of the equality of the sexes
where questions of self-sacrifice are concerned men are
infinitely above us"
Gwendolen- "and I pity any woman who is married to
a man called John, she would probably never be
allowed to know the entrancing pleasure of a single
moments solitude, th eonly really safe name is Ernest"
Jack- "you know
what I have got to
say to you", Gwen-
"yes but you don't
say it"
Lady Bracknell- "an engagement should
come on a young girl as a surprise,
pleasant as the case may be, it is hardly a
matter that she could be able to arrange
for herself"
Algernon- "all
women become
like their
mothers,that is
their tragedy,
no man does
that's his"
Jack- "the truth
isn't the sort of
thing one tells to
anice sweet
refined girl"
Art and morality
Mr Prism
"the good
and the
that is
fiction is"
Algernon- "you are the most
earnest looking person I
ever heard in my entire life.
Its perfectly absurd saying
that your name isn't ernest"
Gwendolen- "I am told and
my ideal has always been
to love someone of the
name of Ernest, there is
something in that name
that inspires absolute
confidence...I knew I was
destined to love you"
Cecily- "it has always been
a girlish dream of mine to
love someone whose
names was Ernest"
Lady Bracknell- "i had no
idea that there were any
families or persons whose
origins was a terminus"
Jack- "it is ernest after all, I
mean it naturally is Ernest" -
Jack finds out his name is
actually Ernest
Jack- "but you
don't really
mean to say that
you couldn't love
me if my name
wasn't Ernest"
there is very
little music
in the name
Algernon- "more than
half of modern culture
depends on what one
shouldn't read"
Cecily- "you
would have to
between this
world, the
next world
and Australia