Video games contribute to youth violence mind map.


this is a school project
Hussain Munawar
Mind Map by Hussain Munawar, updated more than 1 year ago
Hussain Munawar
Created by Hussain Munawar about 4 years ago
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Resource summary

Video games contribute to youth violence mind map.
  1. A meta analysis by the royal society show that video games contribute to aggression.
    1. The study states that there is not long term effects and the effect is not cumulative.
      1. This leads to very violent behavior on the extreme ends of the spectrum.
      2. The normalization of violent video games leads to violence being normalized.
        1. It doesn't have such an huge effect to warrant any change.
          1. You are taking away peoples right to choose to play games.
            1. The people who are affected by this normally have mental illness and thus can't make proper decisions.
            2. People follow social norms like their favorite steamers who are often playing violent video games.
              1. Kids often have bad judgment and thus can't resist follow bad influences.
                1. Parents are responsible for their children.
              2. It is often the more vulnerable that are effected the most.
                1. People who have serious mental problems are few and far between.
                  1. People with mental illness can't make proper a proper decision on playing video games.
                  2. Solutions to video game induced violence.
                    1. People should have to prove that they do not have an metal illness to play games.
                      1. This is a over regulation can have harmful effects on the video game industry.
                        1. No price is to big to pay to make sure that our children are protected.
                          1. It can help raise mental health awareness and identify people with mental health problems.
                            1. It stops people from having a good time and creating connections.
                            2. Computer algorithms in conjunction with big data can be used to spot individuals which are at risk.
                              1. This is miss useing peoples private data is unethical and even if they put regualtions on that tech conpanies will just by pass them.
                                1. It is undeniable that with access to so much information computer could certainly find vulnerable people with a high degree of accuracy.
                              2. This is not addressing the underlying issue that is people who with violent personalities commit violent crime.
                                1. To change do anything about this problem would take decades and violent video games are only making it worse.
                                  1. People with mental health problems need to be taken care of and this is a opportunity to do it.
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