Christopher Columbus


Mind Map on Christopher Columbus, created by sayenwrong on 13/10/2013.
Mind Map by sayenwrong, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sayenwrong almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Christopher Columbus
  1. Genoa
    1. shipwreck
      1. Portugal
        1. remained
      2. 1451


        • adea
        1. adea
      3. West (Indies)
        1. The Enterprise of the Indies
          1. King of Poortugal
            1. denial
              1. Africa
            2. Kind Ferdinand & Isabella
              1. Agree
                1. Control
                  1. Christianity
            3. 3 aug 1492
              1. Canary Islands
                1. open ocean
                  1. 12 Oct
                    1. San Salvador
                      1. Indian?
                      2. Cuba
                        1. Japan
                        2. Hispaniola
                          1. Santa Maria
                  2. Hero's welcome
                    1. Treaty of Tordesillas
                      1. 4 voyages
                        1. kidnapped indians
                        2. 1506
                          1. ill
                            1. death
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