
A03 for love through the ages english lit
Ikta Bhatia
Mind Map by Ikta Bhatia, updated more than 1 year ago
Ikta Bhatia
Created by Ikta Bhatia over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Lustful
    1. The Great Gatsby
      1. Tom and Meredith- Tom uses he for sexual needs, doesn't love her, abuses her
      2. A Streetcar Named Desire
        1. Stanley lusts after Blanche- see's her in bathtub constantly- rapes her.
        2. The Millers Tale- Geoffrey Chaucer
          1. Nicholas lusts after Alisoun (his landlords wife). Lusts after her and wants to be sexually pleased by her- "lemman, love me al at-ones, Or I wol dyen, also God me save!" (Make love to me right now, or, by God, I’m going to die!)
        3. Mutual/ True love
          1. The God of Small Things
            1. Ammu and Velutha love each other- share an intimate relationship that is shunned by her family and society.
            2. Pride and Prejudice
              1. Elizabeth accepts Mr Darcy's proposal at the end of the novel because she loves him and he proposes because he loves her.
              2. A View From the Bridge
                1. Ruldolpho and Catherine both love each other- go on dates, have sex and eventually get engaged.
                2. She Was a Phantom of Delight- William Wordsworth
                  1. Loves his wife- praises her "lovely apparition"
                3. Happy Marriage
                  1. She was a Phantom of Delight- William Wordsworth
                    1. Praises his wife- "lovely apparition" and "perfect women"
                    2. Great Expectations
                      1. Herbert and Clara- marries her after her father death he marries her because he loves her and they move to Cairo
                      2. King Lear
                        1. Cordelia and France- marries her even though she doesn't have a dowry and lets her go help her father
                      3. Unhappy marriage
                        1. A View from the Bridge
                          1. Eddie and Beatrice- “When am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie?” they have drifted apart
                          2. The God of Small Things
                            1. Mammachi and Pappachi- he abuses her, she fears him.
                            2. Death of a Salesman
                              1. Willy and Linda- he cheats on her and shouts at her e.g over the cheese.
                              2. The Great Gatsby
                                1. Tom and Daisy- He cheats on her and she's only married to him for wealth.
                                2. One Flesh- Elizabeth Jennings
                                  1. Couple who are married but lying apart on separate bed- "Lying apart now, each in a separate bed, He with a book, keeping the light on late, She like a girl dreaming of childhood"
                                3. Adultery
                                  1. Death of a Salesman
                                    1. Willy cheats on Linda with his mistress.
                                    2. A View from the Bridge
                                      1. Eddie kisses Rudolpho and Catherine
                                      2. The Great Gatsby
                                        1. Tom cheats on daisy with Myrtle.
                                          1. Myrtle is married to George Wilson, owner of an auto- shop
                                        2. Divorce
                                          1. The Age of Innocence
                                            1. Countess Ellen Olenski and Count Olenski- he drove her aways with misery and neglect.
                                            2. The God of Small Things
                                              1. Margret and Chacko- she doesn't want to live with him and his family in India. Marries Joe after moving back to England.
                                            3. Regret/Loss
                                              1. The Going- Thomas Hardy
                                                1. Hardy Laments about the loss of his wife Emma and the last moments with her.
                                                2. A Streetcar Named Desire
                                                  1. Blanche felt guilty of her husbands juice- drank alcohol to deal with his death
                                                  2. Death of a Salesman
                                                    1. Once Willy has dies Linda visits his grave and tell him they finally paid the mortgage and cries
                                                    2. Great Expectations
                                                      1. Pip loves Estella but she marries his enemy Bentley Drummle
                                                    3. Homosexuality
                                                      1. Warming her pearls- Carol Anne Duffy
                                                        1. Adresses to her lesbian mistress- "my mistress"
                                                        2. A Streetcar Named Desire
                                                          1. Blanche's late husband was homosexual. She see's him cheating on her with another man and tell's him "you disgust me" and then he kills himself
                                                          2. A View from the Bridge
                                                            1. Eddie kisses Rodolpho
                                                            2. The God of Small Things
                                                              1. Estha and the Lemondrink Orangedrink man- prey's of Estha for a sexual favour
                                                            3. Sibling love
                                                              1. The God of Small Things
                                                                1. Estha and Rahel- consider each other as two bodies one soul, leads to incest.
                                                                2. A Streetcar names Desire
                                                                  1. Blanche and Stella- Stella invites her to live with her, go out together
                                                                  2. To my Brother George- John Keats
                                                                    1. Poem is dressed to his brother George- "E'en now, dear George, while this for you I write"
                                                                  3. Paternal love
                                                                    1. King Lear
                                                                      1. Love's Cordelia the most- "Our dearest"
                                                                      2. Death of a Salesman
                                                                        1. Willy loves Biff- wants him to be successful at life so he constantly urges him to get a job where he works as a door-to-door salesman
                                                                        2. On my first Sonne- Ben Jonson
                                                                          1. A fathers pain due to the death of his son- "Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy" and he addresses him as "lov'd boy"
                                                                          2. Pride and Prejudice
                                                                            1. Elizabeth is loved the least by her mother because she speaks her mind however he father loves her the most
                                                                            2. Daddy- Plath
                                                                            3. Unrequited
                                                                              1. A Midsummer Nights Dream
                                                                                1. Helena loves Demetrius but Demetrius loves Hermia because of Puck. Helena's monologue she complains about Demetrius loving her before he saw Hermia- "For ere Demetrius look'd on Hermia's eyne, He hail'd down oaths that he was only mine; And when this hail some heat from Hermia felt, So he dissolved, and showers of oaths did melt"
                                                                                2. God of Small Things
                                                                                  1. Chacko loves Margret and wants to get back together but she doesn't, she still loves Joe
                                                                                    1. Baby Kochamma loves Father Mulligan- Charitable acts to impress and and Joins a covent to become a num. Gives up and comes home.
                                                                                    2. Maternal love
                                                                                      1. Death of a Salesman
                                                                                        1. Loves Biff and Happy equally- admires them shaving together
                                                                                        2. Catrin- Gillian Clarke
                                                                                          1. Giving birth "red rope of love" , 'we want to be two, ourselves" narrator admires child grown up "straight, strong, long Brown hair and your rosy Defiant glare"
                                                                                          2. The God of Small Things
                                                                                            1. Ammu loves both twins equally- gets both new outfits to welcome Sophie Mol
                                                                                              1. Mammachi and Chacko- loved him more than Ammu- secret entrance for his women
                                                                                            2. Forbidden
                                                                                              1. Anthony and Cleopatra- Shakespeare
                                                                                                1. Both are engaged to different people yet express their love to each other
                                                                                                2. The God of Small Things
                                                                                                  1. Ammu and Velutha- he is of a lower caste
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