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Roles of women within the Gothic
revision of different types of female characters found within Gothic literature
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a2 english literature
english a2
english a2
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Roles of women within the Gothic
femme fatale
openly sexual, uses sexuality to manipulate men
this behaviour represents dystopian world in which patriarchy is usurped
often outcast/rejected from society as a result of transgrassions
this is done through a physical or social death, in which she is labelled a 'fallen women'
restores order and patriarchal society
e.g. Isabella from 'Northanger Abbey'
e.g. Beatrice from 'The Changeling'
innocent/trembling victim
e.g. Elizabeth and Justine - 'Frankenstein'
threatened by supernatural/monster/tyrannical male/patriarchal society/basically anything
maternal figure
most likely a trembling victim before she became a maternal figure
respected by society and reader
due to traditional and expected fulfilment of her role as a woman
rescued by heroic male figure to become maternal figure
essential to a 'good' upbringing of child
teaches children emotional intelligence
easily expendable within Gothic context
helps create 'Gothic' childhood
due to lack of maternal figure
therefore child grows up with lack of emotional intelligence and a sense of abandonment
leaves potential for 'evil stepmother' figure to take her place
Freudian concept of 'Oedipus complex'
male protagonists are sexually attracted to mother
this transgresses normal social boundaries, which again is an element of Gothic
e.g. Victor Frankenstein's nightmare in which he kisses his love Elizabeth who transforms into his dead mother's corpse
symbolic of repressed sexual feelings towards mother
e.g. Caroline in Shelley's 'Frankenstein'
Gothic heroine
arguably Eleanor Tilney from 'Northanger Abbey'
can best be described as...
an innocent/trembling victim,
placed in a situation in which they could transgress and become a femme fatale
who manages to overcome this situation and refrain from transgression
shows strong will, bravery, courage, strong moral compass
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