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Folk music


Mind Map on Folk music, created by astrid sfrtd on 22/05/2015.
astrid sfrtd
Mind Map by astrid sfrtd, updated more than 1 year ago
astrid sfrtd
Created by astrid sfrtd almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Folk music
  1. Between the years 1950 and 1960.
    1. The most famous musicians they are Bob Dylan and the mama's and the papa 's
      1. The mama's and the papa's are Michelle Phillips, Cass Eliot, Denny Doherty y John Phillips
      2. Music copyright
        1. Folk music was famous in Europe and Latin America from the late 1960s.
          1. Contemporary folk music
            1. The term folk, as well as music folk or he dances folk, is a rather recent term
              1. Is term uses William Thoms used, in 1846, to describe the traditions, customs and superstitions of the uncultivated classes
                1. It was applied by Johann Gottfried Herder to the popular and national music one century before.
                  1. The music folk took characteristics as the following ones:
                    1. It was transmitted across the oral tradition
                      1. For memorization or other one forms
                        1. Recordings or the mass media
                          1. But not across books of music
                            1. The folk this one related to the national culture.
                              1. Historical and personal events, as the Easter, the Christmas, and other important days, as marriages
                              2. The music folk has influenced to other more popular kinds, managing to create subkinds of the music folk
                                1. Hundreds of songs exist of before the 19th century, which they do not have a known author. From 1970, this situation already almost does not repeat itself.
                                  1. The country music, which descends from traditional American music, though it has evolved
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