To what extent was the League of Nations a Success?


Mind Map on To what extent was the League of Nations a Success?, created by Cal Friedman on 25/05/2015.
Cal Friedman
Mind Map by Cal Friedman, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Simon Hinds
Created by Simon Hinds over 9 years ago
Cal Friedman
Copied by Cal Friedman over 9 years ago

Resource summary

To what extent was the League of Nations a Success?
  1. Aims of the League
    1. Organisation of the League
      1. Weaknesses in the League's Organisation
        1. 'European Club'
          1. B & F rarely agreed
          2. too slow
            1. no army
              1. missing powers
                1. USA
                  1. USSR 'till '34
                  2. UNANIMOUS
                  3. Council
                    1. 4/5 times/year
                      1. COLLECTIVE SECURITY
                        1. moral condemnation
                          1. Economic Sanctions
                            1. military force
                            2. Britain, France. Italy, Japan
                            3. Assembly
                              1. ILO
                                1. How successful in the 1920s?
                                  1. successes
                                    1. Enter text here
                                  2. How Successful in the 1930s?
                                    1. Depression & the League
                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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