Virtual Education


The features that the new generation of Sony will have
Aaron  Guaman
Mind Map by Aaron Guaman , updated more than 1 year ago
Aaron  Guaman
Created by Aaron Guaman about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Virtual Education
  1. Generates a balance between study and work
    1. Due to flexible scheduling and time savings it is more accessible for workers to learn new skills digitally.
    2. Flexibility to study
      1. In e-learning, the student has the facility to choose when to learn and for how long, building flexible and adequate analysis schedules for each course participant.
      2. Being able to study from anywhere
        1. As long as you have a computer and a good Internet connection, it is possible to study from any location.
        2. Time savings
          1. Online education saves valuable hours for the student by eliminating the need to travel to a study center.
          2. Increased supply of knowledge
            1. The Internet has an extensive variety of courses of different academic levels and specialties, and it is now feasible to have online degrees, either through official certifications from technology organizations or institutions that provide an academic certification on behalf of an educational center.
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