Kerala non birth control policy, India


A non birth control policy in Kerala in India
Nicola Andrzejowska
Mind Map by Nicola Andrzejowska, updated more than 1 year ago
Nicola Andrzejowska
Created by Nicola Andrzejowska almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Kerala non birth control policy, India
  1. Kerala is more developed than the rest of India
    1. Higher life expectancy
      1. Better female literacy rate
        1. Lower infant mortality rate
          1. More contraceptive use
            1. Lower total fertility rate
              1. 1.8 compared with 3.2
            2. Family planning association
              1. Workshops for reproductive health care for women
                1. Prevent STIs
                2. Women groups
                  1. Job oppertunities
                    1. Educational oppertunities
                      1. Have children later on
                        1. Have less or no children
                      2. Media
                        1. Inform people about STIs to decrease death rate
                      3. Women have less children
                        1. Better educated so have a career
                          1. High average marriage age
                            1. Less likely to get benefits
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