Greenburg/Tarrytown, New York is the setting of
the legend.
"there lies a small market town or
rural port, which by some is called
"Not far from this village, perhaps
about two miles, there is a little valley
or rather lap of land among high hills"
This particular valley was
extremely quiet, still, and
tranquile. Only the sounds of
nature could be hear breaking
the silence.
A Valley which is known as
Sleepy Hallow
"This name [Tarrytown] was given,
we are told, in former days, by the
good housewives of the adjacent
"If ever I should wish for a retreat whither I might steal
from the world and its distractions, and dream quietly
away the remnant of a troubled life, I know of none
more promising than this little valley.".
The narrator was a tranquile
and peaceful person. He
enjoyed peace in the outdoors.
The in habitants of Sleepy Hallow, a Dutch valley in
Greenburg, believed the valley to be hunted or
enchanted. there where many theories behind this
mystery, but the narrator focued on a specific one.
"The whole neighborhood abounds with local
tales, haunted spots, and twilight
superstitions; stars shoot and meteors glare
oftener across the valley than in any other
part of the country, and the nightmare, with
her whole ninefold, seems to make it the
favorite scene of her gambols".
"The dominant the
apparition of a figure on horseback,
without a head".
the ghost of a Hessian trooper, whose head had
been carried away by a cannon-ball, is know as the
Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. The air is
hunted by his spirit and the visitors of Sleepy
Hollow are shortly consumed by it, causing big
superstition. The Horseman is seen most often
riding by the church, where local historians say who
was buried. The Horseman is said to be in search of
his head.
"In this by-place of nature there abode, in a remote period
of American history, that is to say, some thirty years since, a
worthy wight of the name of Ichabod Crane, who sojourned,
or, as he expressed it, “tarried,” in Sleepy Hollow, for the
purpose of instructing the children of the vicinity"
Crane was a native of Connecticut. The
narrator describes him, "with narrow
shoulders, long arms and legs, hands
that dangled a mile out of his sleeves,
feet that might have served for shovels,
and his whole frame most loosely hung
together. His head was small, and flat at
top, with huge ears, large green glassy
eyes, and a long snipe nose".
Crane scholards were taught well and never
spoiled. Crane liked education and liked educating.
He would go as far as to dicipline those who he
thought needed to. Among many things, Crane
was a big feeder. However he did not make much
from this. He would instruct the children of the
farmers and in return they would offer him food.
He also makes some extra money teaching singing
lessons, Crane is very proud of his vocal talent.
"Among the musical disciples
who assembled, one evening in
each week, to receive his
instructions in psalmody, was
Katrina Van Tassel".
After visiting Baltus Van
Tassel abundant farm,
Ichabond realizes his love for
Katrina, but also her future
inheritance. Katrina and
Ichabod get together at
times. Ichabod sets out to
win her hand in marrige.
A messenger comes to the schoolhouse
to invite Ichabod to a party. He attends
the party and when the party ends he
stays behind. Ichabod finally leaves,
aster being disapointed by Katrina.
On his way home, his path seems dark and quiet. After
passing the Major Andre's tree, that is said to be hunted.
Ichabod sees a large and dark figure appear nearby.
Ichabod calls out to it, but there is no response. The
dark figure starts to join his path, riding a large and
dark horse. Ichabod takes a final look and notices that
the rider has no dead, it is setting on the saddle in front
of the man. Ichabod tries to get his horse to run, but it
resists his orders.
They end up by the church and Ichabod
races to the bridge, where he has heared
that the Headless Horseman is said to
disappear. Once he arrives at the bridege
Ichabod looks back at the Horseman, the
Horseman still present, throws his
detached head at Ichabod. Knocking
Ichabod off his horse.
The next mornign Ichabod is no
where to be found, and a search party
searches for him. The search party
finds hoof prints and Ichabod's hat,
wuth smashed punpkin nect to it.
Ichabod is never seen again in Sleepy
Hallow. But Ichabod tells his story else
Many believe that the
disappearance of Ichabod
and the appearance of
the Headless Horseman
was a great prank pulled
by Brom. Busting Brom's
popularity and putting
him in first place to
marry Katrina.
The older women and local
folklores believed and narrate
to others that Ichabod was
taken by the Headless
Katrina Van Tassel is the daughter and
only child of the successful Dutch
farmer, Baltus Van Tassel. She is a
beutiful young lady, of the age of
Many men in the village are
interested in Katrina. Two of which
include Brom Van Brunt and Ichabod
Brom is know for his playful
personality, his pranks, and his
great skill of horseback riding.
Thus he is loved in the village
and many know of him.
Brom is hoping to chase
Ichabod away from Katrina
with his great skills of
Brom feels the school house with
smoke, trains a dog to follow Ichabod
around howling, and sets many other
pranks to anger and humiliate Crane.