

Words used to describe products
Mike Stokes
Mind Map by Mike Stokes, updated more than 1 year ago
Mike Stokes
Created by Mike Stokes almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What is it?
    1. The term 'aesthetics' concerns our senses and our responses to an object. If something is aesthetically pleasing to you, it is 'pleasurable' and you like it. If it is aesthetically displeasing to you, it is 'displeasurable' and you don't like it. Aesthetics involves all of your senses - vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell - and your emotions.
      1. Vision
        1. Colour Shape Pattern Line Texture Visual weight Balance Scale Movement
          1. Contour
            1. The outline of an object.
            2. Contrast
              1. Contrast of colour, shape, size, space, scale creates visual attraction, different shapes can be used to provide contrast in a composition. Similar shapes may not be as visually appealing.
              2. Focal point
                1. Is the visual point /centre of interest in a composition. Visual elements and principles are used to direct the viewer's eye to this point.
                2. Balance
                  1. radial, where the design elements radiate out from a centre, as in the petals of a daisy or the face of a clock;
                    1. formal (or symmetrical), where the design on one side of a centre line is identical to the other side, as in the front view of an animal or a chair;
                      1. informal (or asymmetrical), where the elements of a design are distributed unequally, as in the side view of a teapot.
                      2. Harmony and Contrast
                        1. A harmonious design is one in which its different elements are in unity with each other for example, its colours may blend together well. A harmonious design might be considered appropriate for the furnishings of a relaxing environment, such as a bedroom.
                          1. Contrast, the opposite quality to harmony, involves the use of opposing elements, such as clashing colours and shapes, in the same design. Contrast in a design may be more appropriate for a stimulating environment or when impact is wanted, such as in many advertising layouts.
                          2. Proportion
                            1. Proportion has to do with the relationship between different parts of an object or its component pieces (or between those parts and the object as a whole). The proportions of an object made to be used, such as a teapot or a jug, may have a functional as well as an aesthetic purpose.
                            2. Style
                              1. Style is most often related to aesthetics rather than function. Style is ever-changing and is often subjective. What may be considered ugly or gauche one year may be the height of fashion the next. Whereas it's possible to make objective judgments on the success of a functional design, judgments on style are much more subjective and reliant on individuals' personal responses.
                                1. Modern
                                  1. Old-fashioned
                                    1. Classical
                                      1. Sleek
                                        1. Retro
                                          1. Simple
                                            1. Functional
                                              1. Futuristic
                                                1. Plain
                                                  1. Unusual
                                                    1. Mimalistic
                                                      1. Kitsch
                                                        1. Playful
                                                          1. Boring
                                                    2. Touch
                                                      1. Texture Shape Weight Give Comfort Temperature Vibration Sharpness Ease of use
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