The Scarlet Letter XVII and XVIII


10th grade English Mind Map on The Scarlet Letter XVII and XVIII, created by Vincent Zhou on 25/02/2021.
Vincent Zhou
Mind Map by Vincent Zhou, updated more than 1 year ago
Vincent Zhou
Created by Vincent Zhou almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Scarlet Letter XVII and XVIII
  1. Chapter 17
    1. Events
      1. Hester and Dimmesdale meet in the forest after she tells Pearl to leave
        1. Hester and Dimmesdale go into the shadows of the woods to talk and first discuss normal things like weather and health. However, the discussion then became a talk about the themes deepest in their hearts
          1. Dimmesdale describes his suffering as his sin had eaten away at his mental state
            1. Hester tries to explain how he should be at peace and happy because of all of the repenting that he had done just like Hester
              1. Hester asks Dimmesdale to forgive her and then explains that Chillingworth was her husband
                1. Dimmesdale becomes angry and blames her for making him go through the torture that Chillingworth had developed for him
                  1. As the argument goes on they forgive each other and pray that God forgives them both
                    1. Both realize the horror of Chillingworth and Dimmesdale is scared that Chillingworth will expose both of them and Hester
                      1. Hester reassures Dimmesdale that he wouldn't expose them and explain that she wants to leave this place to live as a family
    2. Chapter 18
      1. Events
        1. Hester now has a hopeful and joyful look in her eyes
          1. Hester had been walking a life without guidance until the scarlet letter which becomes a bunch of teachers and taught her to be strong
            1. Dimmesdale had also faced many problems and many similar to Hester's. Both had gone through shame, despair, and solitude that guided them in certain ways. Hester grew stronger while Dimmesdale became more uneasy and wrecked by the sin .
              1. Both Dimmesdale and Hester become happy with the decision to move away from this society
                1. Hester removes her scarlet letter and regains the description that she had while on the scaffold
                  1. The sunlight that had ran away from her in previous chapters now shines on her like Pearl
      2. Vocab
        1. Epoch - a particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events
          1. Malevolent - having or showing a wish to do evil to others
            1. Vocab
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