When are Fire Orders to be given


Mind Map on When are Fire Orders to be given, created by PhilandTracy Sayers on 11/06/2015.
PhilandTracy Sayers
Mind Map by PhilandTracy Sayers, updated more than 1 year ago
PhilandTracy Sayers
Created by PhilandTracy Sayers over 9 years ago

Resource summary

When are Fire Orders to be given
  1. When firearms issued before start of special operation and time and circumstances permit, fire orders are to be given by Op commander or Unit Commander as part of briefing
    1. In all other operational situations where firearms issued, if time and circumstances permit, supervisors must draw attention to the fire orders printed inside police notebook or copies stored in firearms safes
      1. Every time employees receive formal training, must be asked by instructor to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of circumstances which firearms may be used (F061)
        1. On all occasions police are planning or conducting training exercises involving firearms they must refer to and comply with procedures detailed in the Firearms Instructors Manual management and safety chapters
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