China's problems


Geography Mind Map on China's problems, created by t.elson.mi on 20/03/2013.
Mind Map by t.elson.mi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by t.elson.mi over 11 years ago

Resource summary

China's problems
  1. Tansport
    1. not an efficient form of transport to the islands - slow ferry
    2. Disparities of wealth
      1. new housing developments not available for everyone, only for the rich
      2. People
        1. the land to build this city was stripped of the local farmers who depended on the land
        2. Urban Sprawl -- Uncontrolled expansion
          1. cannot accomidate services for an unkown population increases
          2. Case Study : Dongtan
            1. 'the eco city that never was'
              1. nothing was built?
                1. funding was stalled an approval is still needed
                  1. to be built on Yangtze Delta islands
                2. Facts and Figures
                  1. By 2030 it was intended to house 500,000 residents
                    1. population increse: 1,650 million in 2000, to 1.3 billion
                    2. Rural to Urban Migration
                      1. 4oo cities thought to be needed to house 300million people from rural areas
                        1. more energy efficient technology needed to sustain them
                        2. 'Ethical Corproation'
                          1. accused the deveopers of never intending dongtan to be a reality, but more as something to merely impress other regions
                            1. "greening the country’s image abroad while in practice allowing its cities to continue to develop unsustainably at breakneck speed"
                            2. Politics
                              1. conflict with USA
                              2. Waste
                                1. inproper disposal of waste that contaminates water supplies
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