Receptive Fields


Behavioural Neuroscience Mind Map on Receptive Fields, created by lynda_ashford_25 on 22/10/2013.
Mind Map by lynda_ashford_25, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lynda_ashford_25 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Receptive Fields
  1. each cell in the visual system has a receptive field, an area in visual space that excites or inhibits it. Is the point in space from which light strikes the cell.
    1. Lateral inhibition- the reduction of activity in one neuron by activity in neighbouring neurons.
      1. Simple cell- fixed excitatory and inhibitory zones.
        1. The more light shines in the excitatory zone, the more the cell responds
          1. The more light shines in the inhibitory zone, the less the cell responds
          2. Complex cell- do not respond to the exact location of a stimulus. Responds to a pattern of light in a particular orientation only where within its large receptive field.
            1. Inferior temporal cortex- respond to identifiable objects and respond accordingly to what the viewer perceives. Not what it is physically.
              1. Fusiform gyrus- area in the ITC for recognising faces
              2. Middle Temporal Cortex- activated by motion. Receives input from the magnocellular paths and detects overall patterns.
                1. Damage can result in motion blindness. Can see objects, but not in which direction or if they are moving.
                2. Feature detectors- responses indicate the presence of particular features. Respond strongly to bar or edge shaped patterns.
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                Structure of a Neuron
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