

A map about the Comparative with graphical references
Omar Aguilar
Mind Map by Omar Aguilar, updated more than 1 year ago
Omar Aguilar
Created by Omar Aguilar almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Ronaldo is more ambitious than Messi
      1. Usain Bolt is more faster than Tyson Gay
      2. EDUCATION
        1. My brother prepares his homework more carefully than his classmates.
          1. UEED is more elegant than Universidad Guayaquil
          2. SINGERS
            1. Adel is more elegant than Selena Gomez
              1. Bob Marley is better than Kurt Cobain
              2. COUNTIES
                1. China is bigger than Italy
                  1. Ecuador is cheaper than USA
                  2. PLACE
                    1. His house is bigger than mine
                      1. Inside is colder than outside
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