Irirangi M Thompsons' Tools and Strategies Mindmap


My version. First Mindmap.
Irirangi Thompson
Mind Map by Irirangi Thompson, updated more than 1 year ago
Irirangi Thompson
Created by Irirangi Thompson over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Irirangi M Thompsons' Tools and Strategies Mindmap
  1. Brainstorming
    1. Tool: Paper based brainstorm
      1. Advantage
        1. Easy to do and no need of technology to learn.
        2. Disadvantage
          1. Can only share by uploading and sending a picture.
        3. Tools: GoConqr and Mindmap
          1. Same advantages as mind mapping.
            1. Same disadvantages as mind mapping.
          2. Note Making
            1. Tool: OneNote
              1. Disadvantage
                1. Need an 0365 account
                2. Advantage
                  1. Access from anywhere and can collaborate
                    1. Can add text, audio, weblinks, images and more.
                  2. Tool: Evernote
                    1. Disadvantage
                      1. Free version can only add app to two devices
                      2. Advantage
                        1. Access from anywhere, can collaborate and easy to use
                          1. Can add images, text, weblinks, audio and more.
                      3. Mind mapping
                        1. Tool: Mindmap
                          1. Advantage
                            1. Access from anywhere, easy to use, can share with others
                            2. Disadvantage
                              1. Cant Collaborat, other people cant edit it.
                            3. Tool: GoConqr
                              1. Advantage
                                1. Same as Mindmap
                                2. Disadvantage
                                  1. Same as Mindmap
                              2. Growth Mindset
                                1. Tool: GoConqr
                                  1. Advantages
                                    1. Different tools can be used and this tool can be accssed anywhere.
                                    2. Same disadvantages as Mindmapping
                                  2. Reflection
                                    1. Learning Journal
                                      1. Advantages
                                        1. Hand written reflection - can do anywhere
                                        2. Disadvantages
                                          1. Can't share
                                        3. Tool: OneNote
                                          1. Disadvantage same as note making
                                            1. Advantage same as note making
                                            2. Tool: Evernote
                                              1. Advantage same as note making
                                                1. Disadvantage same as note making
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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