

This is about the adaptations for special education students in the classroom.
Nina Marie0435
Mind Map by Nina Marie0435, updated more than 1 year ago
Nina Marie0435
Created by Nina Marie0435 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. access
    1. Modifications
      1. curriculum
        1. functional curriculum
          1. alternate goals
            1. Quantity of practice and difficulty
              1. curriculum overlapping
              2. IEP
                1. test modifications
                  1. extended time
                    1. test read aloud
                      1. students respond orally
                        1. test in a separate room
                      2. accommodations
                        1. curriculum
                          1. participation
                            1. output
                              1. input
                                1. level of support
                                  1. time
                                  2. 504 Plan
                                2. least restrictive environment
                                  1. classroom environment
                                    1. AIS
                                      1. Tier 2 RTI
                                      2. push in support
                                        1. resource room
                                          1. inclusive classroom
                                            1. Tier 1 RTI
                                              1. co-teaching setting
                                          2. parallel curriculum
                                            1. core curriculum
                                              1. instructional materials
                                                1. study skills
                                                  1. textbook
                                                    1. content area
                                                      1. strategy instruction
                                                        1. Assessments
                                                          1. formative
                                                            1. summative
                                                        2. curriculum of connections
                                                          1. curriculum of practice
                                                            1. curriculum of identity
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