Whittingham - A Creative Fair


Possible work for Whittingham project.
Mind Map by rjsharples1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rjsharples1 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Whittingham - A Creative Fair
  1. Product Design
    1. medical instruments
      1. 3D printing
      2. Photography
        1. empty site
          1. ariel photography
            1. drones
              1. Paul Eggleston
              2. GoPro
                1. Paresh Parmar
              3. current
                1. any remaining staff
                  1. any remaining patients
                  2. URBEX
                    1. appropriation
                      1. patient snap shots
                    2. Games Design
                      1. URBEX
                        1. 3D tour
                          1. environment
                        2. rehab techniques
                          1. past
                            1. present
                          2. Fine Art
                            1. portraiture
                              1. medical instruments
                                1. still life
                              2. Illustration
                                1. storytelling
                                  1. medical histories
                                    1. personal lives
                                  2. Animation
                                    1. storytelling
                                      1. patients
                                        1. staff
                                          1. history of asylum
                                        2. MIS
                                          1. Citizen and Drone Journalism
                                          2. Performance
                                            1. short plays
                                              1. interviews
                                                1. letters from patients
                                              2. Journalism & Media
                                                1. short news items and films
                                                  1. broadcast on YourTV
                                                  2. audio project
                                                    1. Whittingham voices
                                                  3. Textiles
                                                    1. workshops
                                                      1. arts therapy
                                                        1. felting
                                                          1. embroidery
                                                        2. uniform
                                                          1. patients
                                                            1. embroidery pattern on uniform
                                                        3. History
                                                          1. archives
                                                            1. patient letters
                                                              1. medical records
                                                                1. case studies
                                                                  1. medical techniques
                                                                    1. nurse's lives
                                                                      1. diary entries
                                                                        1. staff
                                                                          1. patients
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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