the financial information helps to
tryto reflect the realty of economics
significant events
Fray Luca Pacioli laid the foundations of accounting in
a document entitled "Summa arithmetic, proportion
and proportional geometry", which considers for the
first time the concept of "double entry"
which bases his logic on the
premise that economic
transactions have a double impact
on the financial situation of
one of the worst financial
catastrophes was generated, which
is known as the Great Depression.
numerous financial fraud and
scandals of large US companies
caused by distorting key figures of
their financial information.
types of organizations
The taxes we pay represent one of the
ways in which the government collects
its revenue and for which it has a
responsibility to provide the services
that society demands.
non- profit
Its main characteristic is that "they do not pursue profit"
Its objective is the provision of services or the
manufacture and / or commercialization of
merchandise to its clients, an activity that
provides them with a benefit known as utility.
order of person
persona física
It is a single person who is
constituted as an economic
organization to achieve a goal.
Fiscally, this form
of organization is
called a natural
person with
business activities.
persona moral
A company is formed when several people come
together as "co-owners" or "partners", in order to
obtain profits through the provision of a service
or the sale of a product.
voice and vote count
equally, regardless of the
resources contributed
voice and vote based
on the resources
Sociedad Anónima
La sociedad anónima es una entidad legal con
personalidad jurídica propia, independiente de la de sus
socios. Es una entidad que existe sólo para la ley.
• That there are at least two partners.
• A capital contribution in cash •
Approve the statutes or rules under
which the company will be governed. •
Elect administrators. • Decide on the
issuance and sale of the shares. •
Establish the most important
operating procedures of the company.
a business requires financing to star
operating and continue according to you
activities such as the product and sales of
goods of the provisions or services and
others are specific to the operation of the
business so.
these decisions involve the acquisition
of new assets sych as lond, machinary,
transport, equipament, etc.
users of financial information
CEOs Managers
Heads of
Financial information directed to
external users is intended to
satisfy the investment needs of
a diverse group of users.
External users are creditors, shareholders,
financial analysts, investing public,
regulatory bodies, government authorities
types of accounting
expresses in quantitative and monetary terms
the transactions carried out by an entity, as
well as certain economic events that affect it.
It is an information system designed to comply
with the tax obligations of organizations with
respect to a specific user: the treasury.
information at the service of the internal needs
of the administration, aimed at facilitating
administrative functions planning and control,
as well as decision making.
professional associations of accountants
En 1977, la IFAC fue creada a nivel mundial para
sentar los lineamientos técnicos, éticos y educativos
en el ámbito internacional con la !nalidad de mejorar
la calidad de la profesión contable.
Agrupa aproximadamente a 1 400 000 profesionales del continente
americano distribuidos en 23 países y pertenecientes a 33 organismos
nacionales de contadores públicos. Encabeza las corrientes de opinión y
la capacitación de los contadores públicos del continente americano
This institution is made up of those professionals
who completed their studies and received the title of
public accountant at any of the universities
accredited by the federal government and, in some
cases, by state governments.
este organismo tiene como propósito agrupar a los
contadores públicos certi!cados de dicho país.
Agencies responsible for establishing financial reporting standards
Es el responsable de la elaboración y emisión de
las normas de contabilidad !nanciera de Estados
promover la investigación, el desarrollo
y la difusión de las normas de
información !nanciera.
improve and harmonize financial
reporting, mainly through
International Financial Reporting