French Future Tense Verbs


French verbs with english & French verbs in the 1st person with english
Mind Map by pastelbeauutie, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by xcharlie1 about 9 years ago
Copied by PEACEout about 9 years ago
Copied by pastelbeauutie about 9 years ago

Resource summary

French Future Tense Verbs
  1. s'asseoir
    1. je m'assierai
      1. I will sit
      2. to sit
      3. aller
        1. j'irai
          1. I will go
          2. to go
          3. avoir
            1. j'aurai
              1. I have
              2. to have
              3. etre
                1. je serai
                  1. I will
                  2. to be
                  3. faire
                    1. je ferai
                      1. I will
                      2. to do
                      3. savoir
                        1. je saurai
                          1. I will know
                          2. to know
                          3. falloir
                            1. il faudra
                              1. It will
                              2. have to
                              3. vouloir
                                1. je voudrai
                                  1. I would like
                                  2. to want
                                  3. decevoir
                                    1. je decevrai
                                      1. I disappoint
                                      2. to disappoint
                                      3. devoir
                                        1. je devrai
                                          1. I should
                                          2. to give
                                          3. pleuvoir
                                            1. il pleuvra
                                              1. It will rain
                                              2. to rain
                                              3. recevoir
                                                1. je recevrai
                                                  1. I recieve
                                                  2. to recieve
                                                  3. courir
                                                    1. je courrai
                                                      1. I will run
                                                      2. to run
                                                      3. pouvoir
                                                        1. je pourrai
                                                          1. I could
                                                          2. to rule
                                                          3. voir
                                                            1. je verrai
                                                              1. I will see
                                                              2. to see
                                                              3. envoyer
                                                                1. j'enverrai
                                                                  1. I will send
                                                                  2. to send
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