Abnormal Affect


Mind Map on Abnormal Affect, created by Johannes Kaihua on 02/11/2013.
Johannes Kaihua
Mind Map by Johannes Kaihua, updated more than 1 year ago
Johannes Kaihua
Created by Johannes Kaihua about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Abnormal Affect
  1. Explanations
    1. Cognitive


      • Congnitive theories state that people become depressed because of the way they think about themselves and their situation 
      1. Becks Theory


        • People who tens to think differently about themselves and the world around them Thoughts-more vunerable to depression  Negative Schema- a set of beliefs or expectations which are pesimistic or self blaming  Leads to cognitive distortions-logical errors, focusing on certain aspects of a situation while ignoring relevant issue.   
        1. Conigitive Triad
          1. Negative Veiws about the world
            1. Negative veiws about ones self
              1. Negative veiws about the future
        2. Seligman Theory


          • Theory of learned helplessness The belief is aquired through unpleasant experiences that the individual tried unsuccessfully to control   Electric Shocks and dogs Learned helplessness come from the experiment that learned to apithetic from not being able to changed their situation by using electric shocks. 
          1. Attribution Theory


            • The revised version of the helplessness theory  Attribution-the explaination that a person has for his or her behaivor.  Maladaptive atributional style   there are three dimensions to attribution  Internal/external-Personal or enviromental Stable/Unstable-always so or just on occasions  Global/Specific-all-encompasing or specific to this situation  These are the sources of depression and the causes of depression. 
          2. Biological
            1. Genetic Explaination
              1. Family Studies


                • Gershon  Looks at first degree relatives to see if there are any correlation in depression  Looks at whether the first degree relatives cause the depression to be passed down though genetics  They are 2-3x more likely to develop depression  
                1. Twin Studies


                  • Twin studies look at the concordance rates between a twin with depression and the other  They share 50% of their genetic material and this is a good example of to demostrate if depression is genetic  Concordance Rates:  46% MZ  20% DZ This shows a genetic link but does not show a cause or take into account the enviroment in which they were brought up in
                  1. Adoption Studies


                    • A study conducted on adopted children with parents with depression and studied to them to see if they also had depression becuase this will take out the enviromental aspect behind depression.  Those who were brought up away from biological parents were 8x less likely to have depression 
                  2. Biochemical


                    • The biochemical theory reffers to the purpose of neurepinephrine as the cause of depression when not transmitted enough in the brain due to re uptake, low amounts or chemical s making them deactivated   Its tested because the drugs works that they took to cure it works
                2. Treatments
                  1. CBT


                    • Cognitive behaivoral therapy is an approach to adress dysfunctional emotions maladaptive behaivors and cognitive processes and contents through a number of goal orientated explicit systematic procedures.
                    1. ECT


                      • Electric Convulsive Therapy works by sending electric shocks to the brain and indusing searures to reset the aspects of the brain that control the biochemistry such as the reuptake of seratonin to reverse the effects of depression
                      1. Drugs
                        1. MAOIs


                          • Monoamine oxdase Inhibitors are used to inhibit the Monoamine oxdases that prevents neurepinephrine from passing signals in the brain.
                          1. SSRIs


                            • Selective Seratonin reuptake inhibitors block the reuptske sites for seratonin to prevent the reuptake before the seratonin is able to send its message in the brain
                            1. Lithium


                              • Lithium is the main drug for the treatment of bipolar disorder 
                            2. REBT


                              • Rational emotive behaivor therapy is an action orientated psychotherapy that teaches individuals to identify challenge and replace their self defeating thoughts and beliefs with healthier thoughts that promote emotional well being and goal acheivement.
                            3. Types
                              1. Depression
                                1. Bipolar


                                  • This is a combination of the both extremes of the manic stages and the depression .
                                  1. Unipolar disorder


                                    • Unipolar depression is basically  the depressed stage and is caused by the same things that cause bipolar but without the manic stages
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