Linear Transformation


Year 1 Linear Algebra Mind Map on Linear Transformation, created by SITI NUR SYAFIQAH NORDIN on 24/07/2021.
Mind Map by SITI NUR SYAFIQAH NORDIN, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by SITI NUR SYAFIQAH NORDIN over 3 years ago
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Resource summary

Linear Transformation
  1. Introduction to Linear Transformation
    1. L is one-to-one if for all T(v1) = T(v2) implies v1 = v2
      1. The linear transformation
        1. 1. T(x, y, z) = (x, y) : Projection
          1. 2. T(u) = ru, r > 1 : Dilation
            1. 3. T(u) = ru, 0 < r < 1 : Contraction
              1. 5. T(u) = : Rotation
                1. 4. T(x, y) = (x, -y) : Reflection
                  1. If T : V -> W is a linear transformation, then for any vectors in V and any scalars, the following properties are true
                    1. 1.
                      1. 2. T(-v) = -T(v)
                        1. 3. T(u - v) = T(u) - T(v)
                          1. 4.
                        2. Let V and W be vector spaces. The function T : V -> W, T is called a linear transformation of V into W, following 2 properties
                          1. 1. T(u+v) =T(u) + T(v), for every u, v element of V
                            1. 2. T(ku) = kT(u), for every u element of V and every scalar k
                              1. Linear transformation given by a Matrix, is called matrix transformation
                            2. The Kernel and Range of A Linear Transformation
                              1. The kernel of T, denoted by ker(T), is the subset of V consisting of all vectors v such that
                                1. T : V -> W is a linear transformation, then ker(T) is a subspace of V
                                2. If T1 : U -> V and T2 : V -> W are LT, then the composition of T2 with T1, denoted by T2 o T1 is a function defined by the formula (T2 o T1) (u bar) = T2(T1(u bar)) where (u bar) is a vector in U
                                  1. T : V -> W is one-to-one iff
                                  2. T is onto iff given any w in W, there is a vector v in V such that T(v) = w
                                    1. If T : V -> W is a LT then T is a subspace of W
                                      1. If T : V -> W is a LT of an n-dimensional vector space V into vector space W, then dim(ker T) + dim(range T) = dimV
                                    2. The Matrix of Linear Transformation
                                      1. Procedure for computing the matrix of a linear transformation
                                        1. 3. The matrix of A of T with respect to S and T is formed by choosing [T(vj)] as j th column of A
                                          1. 2. Express T(vj) as linear combination of the vectors in T
                                            1. 1. Compute T(vj) for j = 1, 2, . . . , n
                                            2. Let T : V -> W be a LT, let S = {vector of v}, T = {vector of w} be bases for V and W respectively. Then m x n matrix A, is associated with T and has the following property
                                              1. If x in V, then
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