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Aitana  Chazaro
Mind Map by Aitana Chazaro, updated more than 1 year ago
Aitana  Chazaro
Created by Aitana Chazaro about 9 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Fun Fact: Most of the people including me may think that DNA is alive, but what is the reality? Actually the answer is that DNA is not a living thing, but it is a essential part of living things cause without its pretense life would not exist. Why? It cannot maintain homeostasis, its doesn't grows, it never dies and it is a molecule.
      1. How can you know if it is abiotic or biotic? Well biotics....
        1. 1. Metabolism
          1. 2. Components cells, the basic until of life
            1. 3.Develops and grows
              1. 4. Responds to stimuli
                1. 5. Reproduction
                  1. 6. Adapts and change
                    1. 7. Maintins homeostasis
                    2. Exapmles
                      1. Abiotic: Mountain, Clouds, River, Virus, Rock, Sunlight
                        1. Biotic: Humans, Mold, Producers, Consumers, Decomposers,
                      2. MATTER
                        1. PROPERTIES
                          1. Physical Properties
                            1. Intensive: do not depend on the amount: color, taste, melting point, boiling point, density, luster and hardness
                              1. Extensive: Depend on the amount: mass, volume, length and shape
                              2. Chemical Properties
                                1. How does the substances react in the presence of: air, an acid, water, bases, other chemicals
                              3. CONCEPT
                                1. Anything that takes up space and splays the properties of mass and inertia
                                  1. Levels of Matter
                                    1. Atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, body system, organism, population, community and finally ecosystem
                                  2. CLARIFICATION
                                    1. There are two parts
                                      1. Composition: Components of a sample and their relative properties
                                        1. Properties: Distinguishing qualities or attributes of a sample of matter
                                      2. STATES
                                        1. Bose-Einstein Condensate: A dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero
                                          1. Solid: less energetic state, holds shape and fixed volume it can hard, force, have elasticity, confession and vibrate.
                                            1. Liquid: between solids and gases, shape of container, free surface, fixed volume, can have viscosity
                                              1. Gases: more energy, low concession force and diffusion, shape of container and also its volume
                                                1. Plasma: is abundant in the universe, it has equal number of protons and electrons, super hot
                                                2. can it be separated?
                                                  1. Yes! They are mixtures
                                                    1. Is the composition uniform?
                                                      1. if the answer is yes, it is homogeneous this means you cannot identify its components (air, sugar in water, stainless steel)
                                                        1. If the answer is no, it is heterogeneous like granite, wood)
                                                      2. No! Pure substances
                                                        1. can it be decomposed by ordinary chemical means?
                                                          1. If it can they are compounds like water, sodium, chloride, sucrose, etc.
                                                            1. If it cannot they are elements, the ones on the periodic table
                                                      3. CONCEPT (from the Environmental Chemistry TextBook)
                                                        1. Matter is the physical material that forms building, block of both biotic and abiotic components while energy provides the force to hold the structures or building blocks together or make some changes or move them from one place to another.
                                                          1. Every matter consists of tiny particles called atoms.
                                                            1. We can find the conservation of matter this consists of the theory that under ordinary atmospheric conditions no matter can be created or destroyed but it is recycled again and again through different processes called biogeochemical cycles.
                                                            2. Aitana Chazaro A01422111
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