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Do students learn enough about nutrition to apply it outside of school?
Research Practices planner- Do students learn enough about nutrition to apply it outside of school
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Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
Do students learn enough about nutrition to apply it outside of school?
What is the importance of learning nutrition in schools?
What components of nutrition should be taught in Australian schools?
What aspects of nutrition will benefit students in the future?
Home economics teachers beliefs, nutritionist beliefs
Ask students what they believe will help them in the future
Does the health component of the Australian Curriculum teach students enough about nutrition to prepare them for the future?
What does the Australian Curriculum teach students about nutrition?
What components should be added to the Australian curriculum?
Are some health components in the Australian Curriculum unnecessary?
Refer to what is in the Australian Curriculum
Does more about how to apply nutrition need to be added into the curriculum?
Ask this question is interviews with nutritionists and teachers!
Are the underlying effects of poor nutrition taught well enough?
What are the underlying effects of poor nutrition?
How well do the underlying effects of poor nutrition need to be taught?
Will this benefit students in other aspects of learning nutrition?
Do students understand the underlying effects of poor nutrition
Should the learning of nutrition be compulsory in Australian schools?
Should the learning of food and nutrition of other cultures be compulsory in Australian schools?
To what extent do students need to learn about nutrition in other cultures?
Interview with nutritionist, do they have history with nutrition in other cultures?
What parts of nutrition should be compulsory?
Why do students struggle to transfer the information they learn in schools out side of school?
What measures need to be taken in order for students to struggle applying nutrition less?
What strategies can be put in place for the benefit of students learning?
Interview with nutritionists, what strategies do they put in place to teach older people about nutrition
Ask students what they believe would be good strategies to put in place
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