Photography Ideas


Mind Map on Photography Ideas, created by charlieqe on 04/11/2013.
Mind Map by charlieqe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlieqe almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Photography Ideas
  1. Distance
    1. Front Cover
      1. Close up
        1. mid shot
        2. contents
          1. long shot
            1. close up
              1. mid shot
              2. Double Page Spread
                1. mid shot
                  1. close up
                    1. long shot
                  2. Eye Level
                    1. Eyes looking away?
                      1. Front Cover
                        1. For the front cover I wouldn't have the model not making eye contact with the camera
                          1. Unless it was a really strong image
                          2. Contents Page
                            1. From my research, contents pictures are more natural pictures for example a bend playing.
                              1. The artist wont realise that i'm taking the picture so its not posed.
                              2. Double page spread
                                1. The image for the double page spread needs to be a perfessional photo and so would be shot in the studio
                                  1. This means i can have them looking away to make it more dramatic if needed
                              3. making eye contact with the camera?
                                1. Front Cover
                                  1. On the front covers i have researched the artists and band all engage eye contact with the camera.
                                    1. This makes the audience feel more involved in the magazine.
                                    2. Double Page spread
                                      1. A more startling image would be one that made contact with the camera
                                    3. looking down?
                                      1. Looking down shows insecurities and shyness
                                        1. it disengages the audience and so i will will not have any of my models looking down.
                                      2. Framing
                                        1. in a box
                                          1. Shots above the knees
                                            1. on the floor?
                                            2. Body Language and Pose
                                              1. Front cover
                                                1. I want the front cover image to be posed and strong so it captures the audience from the shelf.
                                                2. Contents Page
                                                  1. Although i want these to be 'natural' pictures they artists or band must look up beat or like they having a good time.
                                                  2. Double page spread
                                                    1. These image will be shot in the studio and so will be posed to look dramatic or up beat
                                                  3. Location
                                                    1. Set in the studio to get a finished look
                                                    2. Props
                                                      1. hat
                                                        1. sunglasses
                                                          1. Guitars
                                                            1. Drum sticks
                                                              1. amps
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