Quantitative assessment of water
resources by the method of the
hydrological balance in the Kadey
catchment area (East-Cameroon)
Groundwater is recharged naturally by rain and snow melt and to a smaller extent by surface water
(rivers and lakes)
components: In the hydrological balance, it is necessary to know the
calculation of different processes of the hydrological cycle such as precipitation
(P), evapotranspiration(ETR), surface runoff (ES), and infiltration (I). P=ETR+ES+I
(Tabue Youmbi, 2013; Fontang et al., 2016; Kouassy Kaledje et al., 2016)
However, since the rain is a known datum, ETR remains
determined by the Coutagne method (the Turc and Thornthwaite
methods do not make it possible to establish the hydrological
balance in this type of region as Djeuda Tchapnga et al. (1999)
and R (runoff) by the Tixeront-Berkaloff method.
* Estimation of potential
evapotranspiration and actual
evapotranspiration (1948 -Thornthwaite)
where, T = Average monthly temperature in ° C; I = Annual heat index, which is
equal to the sum of 12 values of the monthly heat index (i) = (T / 5) raised to
1.514; a= function of the annual index (I), which simplified equates to 0.016 raised
to 0.5. a is calculated as: a = 0.00000675 * I ^ 3 - 0.0000771 * I ^ 2 + 0.01792 * I +
0.49239; F = correction factor for the number of days of
the month (Ndi) and the astronomical duration of the day Ni-hours of the sun,
where F = Ndi / 30 * Ni / 12
* Estimate of runoff, After studying
a set of basins, Tixeront and
Berkaloff established a relationship
whose simplified form gives runoff
With R: runoff in mm;
P: mean annual
precipitation in mm;
ETP: average annual
calculated by the
Thornthwaite method
in mm.
Estimation of infiltration It is calculated by
difference with the other parameters that is to