Human Trafficking


ngoc minh
Mind Map by ngoc minh, updated more than 1 year ago
ngoc minh
Created by ngoc minh over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Human Trafficking
  1. What is Human Trafficking?
    1. The illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation
    2. Why are people trafficked?
      1. By offering potential victims false promises, traffickers paint a rosy picture of a better life, such as a good job, educational opportunity or marriage. If they agree, they will become victims of human trafficking.
      2. Who can become a victim?
        1. Even though anyone can be trafficked, traffickers target vulnerable people. Factors that cause vulnerablity include lack of economic opportunities, poverty, unemployment, domestic violence and child-headed homes as a result of parents dying from AIDS related illness.
        2. Who are the traffickers?
          1. Traffickers may come from the same poor socio-economic background as their victims. They appear to be successful business people able to offer their victims better opportunities. Sometimes even parents are involved in the trafficking of their children. Traffickers try to appear trustworthy.
          2. Why do victims of trafficking not run away?
            1. They are controlled by their traffickers through debt bondage, a victim is told that he or she owes the trafficker money used for transportation, accommodation, food,... Other forms of control include use of threats to harm the victim's family, locking up the victims and forced drug use. The victim is completely controlled and often too afraid to try to escape.
            2. Who makes the travel arrangements?
              1. A trafficker usually makes all travel arrangements and pays for all the costs such as transport, visas, tickets, meals and housing. This makes it easy for the trafficker to control victim through debt bondage.
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