Theories and Research of Second Language Acquisition
The behaviorist theory predicted that any human behavior could
be learned through a process of stimulus, response, and positive or
negative reinforcement
B. F. Skinner
Reading: Use flash cards
to memorize sight words.
Math: Memorization By repetition.
Language Acquisition device
A innate ability to acquire and use language
Linguist Noam Chomsky
The belief that acquisition lies at the
heart of any method that involves
engaging the learner in natural
communication and authentic input,
these include tack-based learning and
some story-and activity-based programs.
Intelligence is simply the gathering together and
fine-tuning of many small units of knowledge that in total
produce complex thinking.
R.C. Anderson
1. Gain the students' attention 2. Bring to mind relevant prior
learning 3. Point out important information 4. Present
information in an organized manner 5. Show students how to
categorize related information 6. Provide opportunities for
students to elaborate on new information 7. Show students
how to use coding when memorizing lists 8. Provide for
repetition of learning 9. Provide opportunities for overlearnign
of fundamental concepts and skills
Interaction and
Focused on the language learning context and
"how learners us their linguistic environment to
build their knowledge of the second language.
Students work better in groups according to
Vygotsky, so group projects from act all the
way to presentations on the latest math
systems learned are a great way to get kids
The Communicative Approach
1. An emphasis on learning to communicate
through interaction in the target language. 2. The
introduction of authentic texts into the learning
situation... 3. An enhancement of the learner's
own personal experiences as important
contributing elements to classroom learning. 4. An
attempt to link classroom language learning with
language activities outside the classroom.
Social interactionist Theory
As the learners speak the L2,
they receive feedback and that
process helps them lean the